Forever In Love 爱是永恒

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Forever In Love 爱是永恒

  • $31.90

Not sure what gifts to get? Lack creativity? Lack sincerity? No utility? No worries, we are here for you with our beautiful and intricately detailed miniature dollhouse DIY kit!
We proudly present our classic miniature dome, Forever In Love!

Although it may take up your time and effort to assemble, it will be all worth it when your loved one receives your gift. Share your love today with this fine self made gift that will surely bring you closer to your giftee. The LED lights within the model provides the model with gorgeous lighting effect and raises the entire gift to a whole new level. Definitely a great unique gift idea which you can then modify it to give it a more personal touch.

Assembly Duration:
3hrs to 12hrs

Assembled - 14 x 14 x 13.7cm 
Package - 19 x 16.5 x 14.5cm, 1kg

Durable and bright LED lights
Acrylic dust cover
Music movement
Light switch (batteries included)
Basic assembly tools and glue
Materials - wood, fabric, paper, plastic, metal
Colorful printed instructions manual

Soft Copy English Instructions available here:

Occasion:Wedding Wishes

Difficulty:Intermediate (3 hours to 12 hours)

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